Monday, March 19, 2012

If you aint a mark, can you make a mark?

Its not only a physician's job to ask questions.
In fact, a physician might believe in a lot of illusions and work his way through finding the truths in the myths.

But if you are a product manager, the only way you can justify your pay is by asking questions and as much. What I mean to say is, never just say "Yes" to everything you are told. Ask a lot of why(s) and what(s). Reason, if you do not agree and something feels wrong. Reason, even if everything seems totally right to make sure it actually is. Think of something and then put it in on the thrashing bench. Keep asking what if(s) for every thought that comes in your head before you put it on paper.

As someone has beautifully put it:

The #1 trait I look for in people who would make good Product Managers is an extreme sense of curiosity. Curious people are wonderful – they ask the most powerful question in the World: “why?” Curious people read a lot and tend to self-teach valuable skills. Most importantly, curious people aren’t satisfied with what people tell them, they stay awake at night wondering what they’re missing and love the process of discovery. Some skills can be taught; curiosity is a character trait.

So be a question mark and always be ready with many but one, next time you are asked to build a new feature.
The one you must never ask is, a "how". Because answering that, is your Job!

-image courtesy : 

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